A few Excerpts of our counselling sessions and interactions with patients and their families during Covid -19 pandemic

Smrutirekha Jena
Consultant, Heart2Mind

The Covid-19 epidemic has impacted the lives of people across all age groups & socio-economy status and adversely affecting people of all religions, races, gender & colour. Apart from the physical health challenges that an individual experience due to the Corona Virus, emotional, psychological and societal issues has influenced the quality of life of the patient as well as his/her family members.

During the outbreak of Covid -19 pandemic, our team of Heart2Mind has been working relentlessly towards providing the much-needed emotional support to the patients and their families. Our team of counsellors has often come across many patients and their families where life has completely changed due to the Corona Virus. Heart2Mind with its unique multidisciplinary team comprising of highly trained & experienced Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Behavioural Specialists, Dance therapists,  Gender specialists, Counsellors and other vastly qualified professionals work in tandem to make the lives of people undergoing various emotional scars and trauma, a bit more healthy.

At Heart2Mind we provide counselling by direct interaction (one to one basis), schedule online meetings and telephonic sessions.  We have also tied up with various district administrations to provide counselling services to affected patients and their families in their area. We take the most care to maintain the secrecy and confidentiality of the identity of our patients.

Here are some very heartfelt real-life instances of how COVID-19 has influenced the psyche of the population.  

A. At an Individual level :

  • Severe grief due to death of one of their family members

Covid related death is a devastating condition with the potential of breaking a family apart and especially if it occurs suddenly.  During our interaction with some of the family members of patients who had been detected Covid positive, we could understand that whenever there is a sudden demise in the family caused by Corona Virus, they underwent untold amounts of agony and pain. The family members blame themselves and the health care workers. 

One of a very heart wrenching line we heard from a 32 year old lady whose husband has been recently deceased due to Corona was  “This could have been avoided had we knew before and also had the hospital treating the patient could have been near”.

In such moments of despair, remorse and mourning, our counsellors try the best to help them. They listen to their conditions patiently, referring them to specialists dealing with psycho-therapy and counselling.

  • Anxiety and stress occurring due to economic losses incurred due to complete lockdown and subsequent shut downs

As well known by all, the nationwide lockdown and subsequent shutdowns was imposed to stop the spread of Novel Corona Virus. This badly affected the livelihood of many. There was a loss of economic activity as well. One such lady who suffered from Conrona virus told us “I work and earn my bread by tailoring and stitching. With these lockdowns, none of the customers are coming. How will I give my rentals and maintain my family?” The financial losses of these business units have created job losses. This has been one of the biggest causes of anxiety and stress related emotional condition.

We could suggest to every such cases to take solace that everyone has been feeling the same anxiety. They are told that these bad days won’t last long and there is hope. They are advised to find about various governmental measures to fight this economic despair. They are cheered and given confidence and morale that they willemerge stronger. They are encouraged to share their stress with other friends and family.

  • Feeling of loneliness and boredom

Lockdown, social distancing, quarantine and isolation has caused a disruption on the day-to-day life of many people. They are forced to remain in confinement. Such scenario brought a feeling of loneliness and boredom to many leading to signs of depression. We detected this in many of our patients. Also, the prolong closure leads to rise in cases of domestic violence. One of the patient told us “I am feeling angry all the time and trying to control my rage. I fear about hurting my wife”

Heart2Mind always suggests to keep self-engaged, pursue hobbies, do Yoga and Meditation. They are encouraged to remain engrossed in healthy conversations with family and friends. One the best way to fight the feeling of boredom was by connecting with friends and relatives over social media and by trying to develop some new skills like cooking, painting etc.

  • Mental turbulence due to repeated watching of negative Covid related news reports

Viewing the negative Covid related news all the time and specifically the data of relating to prevalence and mortality, causes a psychological strain on the well-being. We strongly advocate to utilise the time by watching movies, music, comedy shows to remain away from the depressing Covid news. 

  • Covid warriors and frontline workers feeling dejected

While undergoing the counselling sessions, we noticed that the front line health workers and the Covid warriors feel much dejected and scared after contracting the disease from Covid positive patients. This can be very surprising to hear, but upon psychoanalysis, it is found to be very true. The fact remains that after spending so much time in Covid related duties and having to deal with daily stressful work environment and having watched loss of lives in front of their eyes- fear, apprehension and doubts over their own safety starts to creep in. This strangulates their own self-belief and as a result they find themselves in such frame of mind.

We always insist that the health priorities of covid warriors need much effort. We give them a patience hearing to them. Their morale is boosted by appreciative gestures. We also request the authorities to give them solidarity in their line of duty.  

  • B. At the societal level :
  • Discrimination against Covid- warriors

We came across some examples where the Covid warriors were themselves discriminated. There were instances where the grocery store keeper did not carter to purchase list of essentials and directly avoided them.

Said one nurse “I had gone to purchase vegetables, the vendor did not let me in.”Another health worker said “I have not disclosed my covid positive status to my parents staying in another district as they would get worried about me and also neighbours would discriminate me when I go home”.

Here at Heart2Mind, we give our whole hearted support to the brave Covid Warriors for whom millions of lives are saved. We appreciate their contribution to the society. We give them the much-required confidence and always repeat the fact that their health is of utmost importance.

  • Social stigmatisation

There are many instances where we saw social castrations against family members of Covid positive people occurring. They are barred from utilising common shops and places of worships. This is not only in rural areas but also in semi-urban places too. We always discourage them against any sort of gossip that they may over- hear. We ask them to stay positive and be self-motivated to fight on the disease. We assure them that their health is in their hands and request them to focus on regaining the health for their own sake and their loved ones.

We here at Heart2Mind are firmly against any form of discrimination and prejudice. Any such act will lead to mistrust and misinformation. A rational mindset and following a social distancing norm would lead us to victory against the disease.

Managing stress

For more information you can contact us at contactus@heart2mind.com or +91-8595752152.

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